miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

Post Electoral Issues in Iran

Publicado por Marita en 15:59 1 comentarios
Hey guys! Welcome to our profile, in here you will find some interesting information about the country called Iran; first of all we will introduce you to this country so you can know a little bit about it. It is a country located in the northeastern of the Persian golf, its capital is Teheran, and it has been in war for some of the last years. Its language is Persian; it has like 8 million people of population. Then we will focus on a very particular issue, this happened after the elections, when people realized that this elections were stolen, were changed, or modified.

Publicado por Marita en 15:48 0 comentarios

This is an issue from Iran that happens in these last elections, when supposedly a candidate won the city of Trabz, in Iran, but these elections were stolen.
This is something that happens recently and apparently it caused lots of disorders in the city, people became violent, burning and throwing fire to buildings, universities, and stuff from the city, in order to get the attention, that there is a problem, and it must have been stooped and resolved.

The picture above is showing what happened.
Publicado por Marita en 15:29 1 comentarios

There is some cases, and evidence of these facts, like for example a men won the city but it didn’t make any sense because on the meeting he organized, people even didn’t go there, meeting were not well attended.
Mohsen Rezaie, this man did very bad in the elections, and it seems that he was not popular, but he said people voted for him, and he reclaimed like 670000 votes.
The consequences of these bad elections were as I said before, violent movements, where people tried to destroy lots of stuff of the city, opened fire to buildings, etc.
Important: Iran admits 50 cities had more votes than voters


Publicado por Marita en 10:19 0 comentarios
June 13th, 2009
Posted by Richard Jeffrey Newman

June 13th, 2009
"times on line"

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