jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

what malaysia think about iran post electoral issues.

Publicado por Marita en 8:15
In Iran there was a big problem recently where people protest for their human right, the fighted against people who wanted to take advantage of them. They said their votes weren’t counted, and that the results were not the good ones.
In the other hand Afghanistan has also this problem, because of 3 main thins I will say now, elections always are problems.
· Race relations: All groups, of course, want at least peaceful race relations. However, because of their particularistic interests, they do not agree on the terms for achieving good relations.

· Governance: people want the government to take care of more important this than they do. They ask for respect in areas of education, public employments, anti-poverty programs. They also want public security.

· Economic wellbeing: issues of concern include price increases, unemployment, and our ability to compete in global markets.

It could be kind of different but at the end those issues come from elections. In some way people is disgusted with the government.
Malaysia and Iran wants to fight against the corruption provocated by this. They fight for something in common, that is human rights.

Malaysia votes: Election issues and their effects

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