jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009


Publicado por Marita en 7:08

The Supreme Leader is considered as the ultimate head of the Iranian political and governmental establishment, above that of Iran's president, and it is elected by the Assembly of Experts

Ali Khamenei has been the Supreme Leader of Iran since 1989 and was president of Iran from 1981 to 1989. He has been described as one of only three people having "important influences" on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Group of Eight powers deplored post-election violence in Iran Friday and called on Tehran to resolve the crisis over the disputed poll soon through democratic dialogue and this is what they said:
"We deplore post-electoral violence which led to the loss of lives of Iranian civilians and urge Iran to respect fundamental human rights, including freedom of expression,"
"The crisis should be settled soon through democratic dialogue and peaceful means."
"We are very concerned by these events of recent weeks,"
"We have underlined the importance that the violence ends immediately and we've expressed our solidarity with the victims of this violence," he said.
As we saw, this is a problem that affected all the country, not only the politicians, because many people were killed.

ELECTED (chose by election)
The president is the second highest-ranking government official in Iran.
They are limited to two consecutive terms
Council of Ministres
Are selected and supervised by the president and are also subject to confirmation by the parliament.
Has 290 members elected by popular vote to four-year terms. Each member represents a geographic constituency.
The parliament introduces and passes laws
Assembly of Experts
He Assembly of Experts is composed of some 86 clerics, whom the public elects for eight-year terms. The group usually meets for one week once or twice a year.

Appointed or Approved
Supreme Leader
The supreme leader is Iran's top decision-maker, and has final say in all matters of state.
He supreme leader also controls the military
Council of Guardians
Composed of six religious members and six lawyers, the Council of Guardians is a highly influential part of the Iranian government.
Armed Forces and National Security
He Iranian military includes two groups: the regular army and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
• The regular army defends the country and maintains order.
• Revolutionary Guard protects the Islamic revolution and its achievements.

6 comentarios on "Politic"

Marita on 1 de octubre de 2009, 8:14 dijo...

Iran Team:

I want to congratulate you, you have very interesting information, such like the information about the Iran´s organization. I didnt knew that there was another ruler before the president, the supreme leader, and that is really interesting for me.
I think your blog is great, but I am going to suggest you something, may be you can organizate better the way you explain your information, may be you can make like an introduction, at the beginning you can change the way you start, explainning where is Iran or something like that, so with this, you can make the information a little less heavy.
Franco García

Marita on 1 de octubre de 2009, 8:24 dijo...

i think that your blog ir very interesting and the information is complete, i found interesting that how beside being a great organised country politically taking it has a lot of electoral problems.

Ricardo Lopez Llerenas

Afghanistan on 1 de octubre de 2009, 8:41 dijo...

This job is very interesting, I read a lot of things that I didn't know, I think all the people should know about it because your blog has a lot of interesting things, not only the politicians are afected also the people.

piiLar ramos =) dijo...

Your blog are very interesting. I remember that a little time ago, this problem was on TV and radio. I will read your blog because I don’t know how finished the conflict with the “democratic” election and I want to know how it is affecting the country and the world.
piiLar ramos =)

Marie M. on 1 de octubre de 2009, 22:37 dijo...

Nice and clean blog! I liked it and all I can say is that Iran is a problematic country that has lots of riots with the involve of normal population, I guess it must be awful to life in one country like that.

Anónimo dijo...

Hi guys! You did a nice job. Your blog it’s very interesting and complete. I like it because I learned exciting things like the Supreme Leader, which is before the president. I think that it’s a good idea, because sometimes when the power is a responsible of only one person things change and most of the cases they aren’t for our benefit; and that’s where the problems began.
Atte. Montse<3

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