jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009


Publicado por Marita en 7:03
Supreme Leader of Iran
Consulted the day 30/09/09

2 comentarios on "bibliography"

María Fernanda Cervantes Díaz dijo...

Hi, I just reqad your blog and I think that this issue is very interesting beacause is a problem that affects a whole country, it makes that the people make riots and the government stop them with the use of force killing a lot of people in the process. Also I think that the source of the problem is that in this country exists a Supreme Leader. I think that this makes the leader to have all the power and to act as the form as they do because theres nobody who can stop them. Good job but you can improved it if you organize your information. :)

María Fernanda Cervantes Díaz

Art & Culture on 2 de octubre de 2009, 18:47 dijo...

The information you posted is interesting but is not enough to make us understand the current situation. You need to explain WHY the religious leader has such an influence. 75

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