jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Great Britain: Post electoral Issues in Iran

Publicado por Marita en 8:42 1 comentarios
Se denomina G8 a un grupo de países industrializados del mundo cuyo peso político, económico y militar es muy relevante a escala global. Está conformado por Alemania, Canadá, Estados Unidos, Francia, Italia, Japón, Reino Unido y Rusia.

Este grupo fue creado en 1973 a petición del secretario George Shultz, cuando se reunieron los ministros de finanzas de las 6 potencias mundiales; estos fueron Estados Unidos, Japón, Alemania Occidental, Italia, Francia y el Reino Unido.

(G-8) - http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/G8

Pero que tiene que ver el G8 con los post electoral issues in iran:

Las potencias que integran el Grupo de los Ocho (G-8) se preparan para condenar el viernes la violencia postelectoral en Irán, además de que también están buscando una solución diplomática a la disputa sobre el programa nuclear de Irán; debido a que Irán ha dicho que quiere mantener su programa nuclear para generar electricidad, pero las potencias occidentales sospechan que podría estar intentando fabricar una bomba atómica.

La G8 propone e insistirá a Irán en respetar los derechos fundamentales, incluyendo la libertad de expresión', también incluirán un mensaje acerca de que 'la crisis debería resolverse a través del diálogo democrático y por medios pacíficos'.

Por tales razones mi país; es decir Reino Unido (gran Bretaña) apoya los post electoral issues in iran y ayuda a buscar soluciones pacificas; pero no podemos cerrar este tema solo con decir que su posición es a favor y que siempre apoya debido a que:

Según la International Business Times, México, Jueves 5 noviembre 2009. Unos funcionarios iraníes han acusado a dos miembros del G8, Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña, de incitar a las protestas en las calles, de interferir en los asuntos internos de Irán y de fomentar disturbios. Pero estos son cargos que ambas naciones han rechazado.

Así que a pesar de las acusaciones que no sabes si son una verdad o una falacia, Reino Unido está apoyando a Irán y junto con la G8 busca soluciones para este problema.

Noticieros televisa. Obama: EU no quiere involucrarse en conflicto postelectoral en Irán. 2009-06-22. http://www2.esmas.com/noticierostelevisa/internacional/mundo/072931/obama-%20eu-no-quiere-involucrarse-conflicto-postelectoral-iran. Visit 4/11/2009
G8. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/G8. visit 2/11/2009

Globedia. 08:21 (05-11-2009). El G8 "deplora" la violencia postelectoral en Irán y pide que se respete la libertad de expresión. http://mx.globedia.com/deplora-violencia-postelectoral-iran-pide-respete-libertad-expresion. visit 4/11/2009

DERF. Agencia Federal de Noticias. Fecha Publicación: 26/06/2009|12:40. El G-8 se reúne para tomar una postura sobre la violencia en Irán. http://www.derf.com.ar/despachos.asp?cod_des=272625&ID_Seccion=22. Visit 4/11/2009.

International Business Times, México, Jueves 5 noviembre 2009. G8 instará a solución pacífica en crisis elección Irán. Visit 4/11/2009

El economista.es. Jueves, 5 de Noviembre de 2009. http://www.eleconomista.es/empresas-finanzas/noticias/1359910/06/09/El-G8-pedira-una-solucion-pacifica-en-Iran.html. visit 4/11/2009.

what malaysia think about iran post electoral issues.

Publicado por Marita en 8:15 1 comentarios
In Iran there was a big problem recently where people protest for their human right, the fighted against people who wanted to take advantage of them. They said their votes weren’t counted, and that the results were not the good ones.
In the other hand Afghanistan has also this problem, because of 3 main thins I will say now, elections always are problems.
· Race relations: All groups, of course, want at least peaceful race relations. However, because of their particularistic interests, they do not agree on the terms for achieving good relations.

· Governance: people want the government to take care of more important this than they do. They ask for respect in areas of education, public employments, anti-poverty programs. They also want public security.

· Economic wellbeing: issues of concern include price increases, unemployment, and our ability to compete in global markets.

It could be kind of different but at the end those issues come from elections. In some way people is disgusted with the government.
Malaysia and Iran wants to fight against the corruption provocated by this. They fight for something in common, that is human rights.

Malaysia votes: Election issues and their effects

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

South Africa helps Iran on its post electoral issues

Publicado por Marita en 19:29 0 comentarios

South Africa is considered one of the United States’ two strategic partners on the continent, along with Nigeria, But the U.S. and South African administrations have expressed differences respect to the situations in Zimbabwe, Iran, and Iraq, and U.S. officials have expressed frustration with the South African government on the positions that it took while serving on the United Nations Security Council.

We can see that South Africa worried about the situation of what was happening especially in Iran, and it is because same things were happening in the country, like for example when the Assembly chose as President Nelson Mandela, they discovered that his release followed years of secret contacts between the ANC and key white business and political figures, causing many difficulties, including several outbreaks of violence that threatened to destroy the peace process, something similar that happened in Iran.

South Africa is member of what is called the Non-Aligned Movement, or friends of Iran, and the principal objective is to help the damaged people with the consequences of what the post electoral issues brought, one of the purposes is to make Iran to abandon their nuclear weapons so they can prevent a lot of disasters.

South Africa started to have relations with Iran since the revolution of 1979, and they had good relations in the fields of trade, science and technology, defense, medicine, energy and mining. After the revolution in that country, Iran severed relations with South Africa in February 1979 and imposed a total trade and made boycott against South Africa by the promulgation of an Act in the Majlis (The Iranian Parliament).

In June 1993 the Iranian Representative in Berne, Ambassador Mohammed Reza Alborzi, informed the South African Ambassador that the Iranian Government was considering re-establishing contact with South Africa on a wide front, until now they have been such a very close country helping each other.

International nations and cooperation


Consulted on 04/11/09

International crisis group


Consulted on 04/11/09

South Africa assists Iran


jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009


Publicado por Marita en 7:08 6 comentarios

The Supreme Leader is considered as the ultimate head of the Iranian political and governmental establishment, above that of Iran's president, and it is elected by the Assembly of Experts

Ali Khamenei has been the Supreme Leader of Iran since 1989 and was president of Iran from 1981 to 1989. He has been described as one of only three people having "important influences" on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Group of Eight powers deplored post-election violence in Iran Friday and called on Tehran to resolve the crisis over the disputed poll soon through democratic dialogue and this is what they said:
"We deplore post-electoral violence which led to the loss of lives of Iranian civilians and urge Iran to respect fundamental human rights, including freedom of expression,"
"The crisis should be settled soon through democratic dialogue and peaceful means."
"We are very concerned by these events of recent weeks,"
"We have underlined the importance that the violence ends immediately and we've expressed our solidarity with the victims of this violence," he said.
As we saw, this is a problem that affected all the country, not only the politicians, because many people were killed.

ELECTED (chose by election)
The president is the second highest-ranking government official in Iran.
They are limited to two consecutive terms
Council of Ministres
Are selected and supervised by the president and are also subject to confirmation by the parliament.
Has 290 members elected by popular vote to four-year terms. Each member represents a geographic constituency.
The parliament introduces and passes laws
Assembly of Experts
He Assembly of Experts is composed of some 86 clerics, whom the public elects for eight-year terms. The group usually meets for one week once or twice a year.

Appointed or Approved
Supreme Leader
The supreme leader is Iran's top decision-maker, and has final say in all matters of state.
He supreme leader also controls the military
Council of Guardians
Composed of six religious members and six lawyers, the Council of Guardians is a highly influential part of the Iranian government.
Armed Forces and National Security
He Iranian military includes two groups: the regular army and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
• The regular army defends the country and maintains order.
• Revolutionary Guard protects the Islamic revolution and its achievements.


Publicado por Marita en 7:03 2 comentarios
Supreme Leader of Iran
Consulted the day 30/09/09

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

Post Electoral Issues in Iran

Publicado por Marita en 15:59 1 comentarios
Hey guys! Welcome to our profile, in here you will find some interesting information about the country called Iran; first of all we will introduce you to this country so you can know a little bit about it. It is a country located in the northeastern of the Persian golf, its capital is Teheran, and it has been in war for some of the last years. Its language is Persian; it has like 8 million people of population. Then we will focus on a very particular issue, this happened after the elections, when people realized that this elections were stolen, were changed, or modified.

Publicado por Marita en 15:48 0 comentarios

This is an issue from Iran that happens in these last elections, when supposedly a candidate won the city of Trabz, in Iran, but these elections were stolen.
This is something that happens recently and apparently it caused lots of disorders in the city, people became violent, burning and throwing fire to buildings, universities, and stuff from the city, in order to get the attention, that there is a problem, and it must have been stooped and resolved.

The picture above is showing what happened.

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